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Hello world!

Hello!!! Welcome to the 1st post of the Nerdstorian! I am Sarah, teacher, amateur historian, and big time nerd. Since I was about 5 years old, I have had a major obsession in history, politics, books, social causes, and music. I am a nerd when it comes to those things. Seriously, just imagine a ten year old girl giving weird, random historical facts to her 4th grade friends, yelling about starvation in other countries because she watches CNN constantly, or reading every book possible.

This obsession of mine has lead me to become a teacher. My students get to see me as a person who knows the content, but also as this slightly spastic nerd who could name all the kings and queens of England backwards, who drew a chart with pictures of Henry VIII’s wives, or who threw paper balls with questions at kids, who were acting as journalists during a press conference during a mock campaign. My parents, sisters, and husband see this woman who gets on a rant, a roll, no big, large, meandering tangent about some political issue. They constantly have to talk me down. I have an obession, but I care about it. I love it. Heck, I show it off!! I am a nerd.

So you may be wondering what I am hoping to get out of this. Well for one thing, I am inspired. I listen to this great podcast, The Nerdist, and they inspired me to create something of my own. You should check them out. I am a frustrated historian, who wants a doctorate but does not have the time nor the money so I am going to play out some of my historian dreams out on here. I hope to also start my own podcast this summer.

I am also a frustrated writer. I have been writing stories, character sketches, plays, etc. since I was a little girl. A couple of years ago, I saw my 5th grade teacher, who I had not seen in over 15 years. She immediately asked if I was still writing because she remembered my stories and novellas I wrote in her class. I told her no, and she reminded me to not give up on that talent. That has stuck with me, and I cannot get it out of my head. I am also turning 30 this July. So as a birthday present to me, I am giving something creative to the world as part of a bigger process I will get into later.

So happy readers (you are happy, right?)… I hope you enjoy my blog and later listen to my podcast. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to leave any suggestions, questions, or comments.


Sarah the Nerdstorian
Follow me on Instagram: @thenerdstorian


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