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No sleep

Hello, readers.  Hope all is well. Long time no see. Things got a little busy here in the land of the nerdstorian. Also has a case of the writer’s block. I am back now.


So what upcoming thoughts can you expect from me in the near future? Historical fiction, stuff about Atlanta since I am returning there as a teacher, maybe zombies. I am becoming obsessed with zombies. Probably, start looking at weird history or just completely going full on nerd on some stuff. If you gave any suggestions, let me know. That’s all for now. Must try and get some sleep. Laters!

2 responses to “No sleep

  1. Hi, I love the way your voice comes thru! This is a great blog! I am eager to read your upcoming thoughts! What we think we know, someone who doesn’t had to show us! Thank you for the follow! Spin the wheels of creation and write!

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