I Am Back!!

Oh, my! It has been a very long time since I last appeared/posted/lived as the Nerdstorian. A lot has changed since the last show in Spring 2013. In 2014, my former co-host, Will, and I parted ways in real life (divorced). It was for the best, and I wish him all the luck in the world. No tears, dear readers. All is well because…

There is a new partner in crime! Steve, who is a huge comedy, movie, Broadway, horror, everything nerd, joined my world in Summer of 2015. We married in April 2016 and haven’t looked back. Expect to hear his funny take on history in new podcast episodes! (See pic for the awesome nerdiness that is us!)


Uncle Fester and Stranger Things’ Dustin

I also began writing more. I had my first short story published, joined a couple of writers group, and started working on my first novel. Yea!!

So, what do I have planned for the Nerdstorian? Author interviews, guest podcasts, general history talk, etc. There is so much! I just can’t wait to get back out there with my history nerd love! Look for more in the near future!